WordPress Plugins

Check out my WordPress plugins, available for free on the WordPress plugin directory.

Custom Admin Notice WordPress Plugin

Custom Admin Notice

Display customised notices in your WordPress admin dashboard with native WordPress styling. Choose between success, warning, error or neutral styles.

This is a super lightweight plugin that is only loaded on your admin dashboard.

Useful for:

  • Notifying users of maintenance.
  • Notifying that the user is on a staging or live site.
  • Reminders.
Prevent indexing on staging - WordPress Plugin

Staging Prevent Indexing

This WordPress plugin ensures that search engine indexing is automatically turned OFF if the site’s URL doesn’t match the provided live site URL. It’s especially useful for development and staging environments, where you might not want content to be indexed by search engines.


  • Automatically turns off search engine indexing for non-live sites.
  • Provides an admin settings page to specify the live site URL.
  • Displays an admin notice if indexing has been turned off due to URL mismatch.
  • Encodes the live site URL to prevent inadvertent changes when using migration tools.

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