In today’s technological landscape, AI is playing an increasingly pivotal role across a vast array of industries, with OpenAI’s ChatGPT being a standout example of this transition between artificial intelligence and software development. But what does this mean for developers when they leverage AI for coding, specifically when using ChatGPT for coding? In this article, I’ll be outlining the strengths, pitfalls, and security implications of using ChatGPT for coding.

Strengths of AI in Coding

Rapid Prototyping
The process of converting an idea into a tangible model is often problematic and held back by delays and iterative cycles. With ChatGPT, this process is provided faster. By quickly providing code snippets based on user queries, developers can see their ideas come to life much faster, enabling them to assess feasibility or troubleshoot early in the development cycle.

Diverse Language and Framework Support

ChatGPT’s ability to assist across a vast spectrum of languages, from PHP and JavaScript to Rust and Swift, as well as individual language frameworks such as ReactJS, Laravel and such, can be a lifeline for developers who might be proficient in one language or framework but not so much in another. Languages can also change quite drastically over time with newer versions, something it seems ChatGPT is also able to provide in-depth help with.

Syntax and Error Assistance

Debugging syntax errors can be infuriating, especially the elusive ones. Providing ChatGPT with the syntax error provided can assist developers in catching these errors and often suggest corrections or highlight overlooked mistakes, ensuring cleaner code and less debugging later on.

Learning and Teaching

For novices, coding can be daunting. But with ChatGPT, they can receive guidance on coding practices, understand errors, and even learn new techniques. It’s essentially like having a mentor available 24/7, facilitating a smoother learning curve.

Commented Code

ChatGPT does very well at explaining the logic of the code output it creates and comments the code quite effectively, as well as making the code very human-readable.

The Pitfalls and Weaknesses of AI in Coding


It’s tempting to lean heavily on a tool as efficient as ChatGPT, but this can be a double-edged sword. Relying too much on AI for code generation may stump your growth as a developer. Critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving are skills honed through practice. Relying too much on AI to provide those skills for you will inevitably result in an inability to debug when AI is unable to provide the correct solution.

Not Always Context-Aware

Whilst ChatGPT is great at generating code snippets based on queries, it doesn’t always comprehend the broader architecture or goals of your project. It’s like providing a solution without understanding the full problem, and while it might work in some cases, it won’t always fit seamlessly into larger code bases.

I’ve found that providing detailed prompts will often yield the best output. Where I’ve perhaps lacked context and then had to baby it through solutions, it can frequently start cutting out what was previously fine to fit your new parameters at the cost of previously defined parameters, leading to incomplete solutions and a fair amount of wasted time.

Vague Queries, Vague Responses

AI, for all its advancements, is still reactive to the input it receives. An imprecise question often leads to a similarly imprecise answer. Developers need to frame their queries clearly to get the most accurate and useful responses from ChatGPT.

Security and Integrity Concerns

Falsifying Code

ChatGPT generates code based on patterns in its training data, not a deep understanding of software logic. This can lead to situations where the produced code might function, but not in the intended or safest manner. It might even generate code that appears legitimate but harbours unintended behaviour, a potential hazard in critical applications. Sometimes, it will even fabricate function calls or events that simply do not and have not ever existed which can cause confusion to the unseasoned developer.

Overlooking Security Best Practices

Security in coding is paramount. However, unless specifically prompted, ChatGPT might offer solutions that, whilst functional, might not be the most secure implementation. Such vulnerabilities can be easily exploited, leading to data breaches or system compromises that can cause untold amounts of damage to a business and its reputation.

Sensitive Data Exposure

Developers querying ChatGPT must be vigilant to avoid sharing proprietary or sensitive project details inadvertently. It’s crucial to remember that whilst the tool offers solutions, it doesn’t need to know the specific details of your project or organisation. AI tools often learn from your queries and responses and sharing sensitive information may result in that data being stored by the tool and output to another user at a later date inadvertently.

Copy-Paste Code Culture

When solutions are a click away, there’s a temptation to blindly copy and paste. This approach can propagate vulnerabilities or inefficient code throughout a project, potentially leading to performance issues or security risks.


ChatGPT offers an impressive array of benefits to developers, acting as both a mentor and an assistant. Yet, it’s important to see it as a tool, not a crutch. As with any tool, its value is maximised when used sparingly, with a keen understanding of its capabilities and limitations. Always prioritise your understanding of code and security best practices over convenience to avoid the inevitable pitfalls of using AI to help you code.